
Increase your driving distance !!

You might be awestruck watching the longest hitters do their thing. They seem to turn so easily to the top, maintain a lot of clubhead lag on the downswing, and then sweep the ball off the tee, launching it high with minimal backspin. With the latest launch monitor technology that tracks a golf ball in flight we know that the worlds longest drivers don't hit down on the ball. They acutally have an acending angle of attack with the driver, this launches the ball higher with less spin and creates more distance. The average competitor in the last Remax World Long Drive Championship hits up on the ball 4.2 degrees. 


Many amateurs swing into impact on a steep angle and actually hit down on their drives, this steep angle of attack works with the ball on the ground hitting an iron but is a distance killer with the driver.  If you want to sweep the ball off the tee like the big hitters do, tee it up in line with the outside of your front foot, and set the clubhead eight or 10 inches behind it. The forward ball position will shallow your path on the downswing, and setting up so far behind the ball will help you visualize the clubhead ascending as it reaches impact.  Try this as a drill at first but if it helps you hit longer drives go with it off the tee. 


Big hitters make a full turn off the ball, and load their weight into their trail side on the backswing. You might not have the flexibility to do that, but one way to compensate is to lift your left heel off the ground as you swing the club back. Not only will this help you turn farther than you're probably used to and get your body mass behind the ball, you'll also shift your weight properly into your right hip at the top of the swing. Then, as you start your downswing, plant your left heel back to the ground before you unwind your shoulders. This will help create a better sequence, with the lower body leading the downswing. It's like throwing a football or baseball.


To increase your clubhead lag, swing down from the inside, and pull the butt of the club toward your left thigh as your hips then shoulders unwind. Pulling the grip toward your thigh rotates your left forearm and prevents you from making an early release. It also gets the driver back in front of you so you don't have to flip your hands through. The lag releases naturally just before impact, creating a powerful strike and with the ball well forward you will hit up on it not down. 


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